56 Ultra Rare of current meta and anti-meta cards
4 of 12 Field Center Cards featuring the Ghost Girls, and "Red Blossoms from Underroot" as well as Yugi Muto, Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Maximillion Pegasus, Mai Valentine, and Ishizu Ishtar
- "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit" (alternate art)
- "Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries" (alternate art)
- "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" (alternate art)
- "Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion" (alternate art)
- "Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood" (alternate art)
- "Red Blossoms from Underroot"
- "Ally of Justice Catastor"
- "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier"
- "Metaphys Horus"
- "Black Rose Dragon"
- "Clear Wing Fast Dragon"
- "Stardust Spark Dragon"
- "Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend"
- "Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier"
- "Vermillion Dragon Mech"
- "Abyss Dweller"
- "Number 101: Silent Honor ARK"
- "Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer"
- "Tornado Dragon"
- "Underclock Taker"
- "LANphorhynchus"
- "Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow"
- "Decode Talker"
- "Decode Talker Extended"
- "Topologic Bomber Dragon"
- "Saryuja Skull Dread"
- "D.D. Crow"
- "Effect Veiler"
- "Gate Blocker"
- "Denko Sekka"
- "Inspector Boarder"
- "Spell Canceller"
- "Artifact Lancea"
- "Vanity's Fiend"
- "Majesty's Fiend"
- "Dinowrestler Pankratops"
- "Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju"
- "Mind Control"
- "Wave-Motion Cannon"
- "Super Polymerization"
- "Book of Eclipse"
- "Silent Graveyard"
- "Cosmic Cyclone"
- "Called by the Grave"
- "Different Dimension Ground"
- "Typhoon"
- "Forbidden Apocrypha"
- "Dimension Barrier"
- "Lost Wind"
- "Heavy Storm Duster"
- "Royal Decree"
- "Anti-Spell Fragrance"
- "There Can Be Only One"
- "Wiretap"
- "Solemn Strike"
- "Red Reboot"